

In Australia
29858 visitors since June 29th, 2001

Welcome to my dollhouse page. I've only recently become interested with dollhouses and minatures and while my experience and skill levels are low, my enthusiasm is not. On this page I hope to add ideas for minatures along with links to other sites. Being an Australian, I want to compile a list of suppliers mainly here in Australia to help other aussies find what they're looking for. I also have an amazon bookshop containing lots of books available about dolls and dollhouses... well worth a look just to see some of the wonderful books available.
Diary of a dollhouse
latest update:
May 1st, 2003

While I haven't finished updating the diary pages, I have added a virtual tour of the house as it is now. You can view it here.

Well, finally, I have had a chance to update these pages. I have been busy working on a project that was a little more important than minis (what, I hear you gasp... something more important than minis? Never!). Anyway, over the next few days I will update the rest, including the diary. For now I have updated the calendar and added a list of clubs around Australia.
Projects Do it yourself projects for your dollhouse plus hint and tips for using household items to make miniatures.
Gallery Pics of some of my miniature projects.
Dollhouse supplies Looking for somewhere to get your dollhouse and miniature craft supplies in Australia? Check this list for something near you.
Dollhouse Calendar Dollhouse, miniature and craft shows around Australia
(this is updated as I learn of events, so check regulary to see if anything new has been added)
Miniature clubs (Australian) Looking for a group of mini enthusiasts in your area. Check out this list.
Dollhouse Books Need some ispiration for your house, or maybe some instruction on how to furnish it. Check out some of the many books about this wonderful hobby.
Links More dollhouse pages.(worldwide)
Dreamhouse Check out a magnificent house I saw at a local craft exhibition. * Please be patient while the photos load - it really is a wonderful house and worth the wait.


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